The first one to get committed was the tracker-powered video search sidebar, by Javier Goday. Unfortunately, I don't have any nice screenshots as tracker seems to want to index everything but my videos directory.
The other one is a long standing feature request, with the patch provided by Kamil Pawlowski, adding a menu item to select a text subtitle for video files. This means you can get subtitles for your legally downloaded video files, with the typos free of charge.

Update: Everybody loves screenshots. Here's one for the video search feature:

i know it's unrelated but i was wondering is there a way to bookmark a particular a particular time in a video so for example you could replay your favorite moments in a football match without having to seek until you get there
Now it just needs support for changing the color of subtitles. That would be really great.
Cool, but could it be possible to also add DVD support ? ;) See and
DVD works with the xine-lib backend. It's a GStreamer bug that DVDs aren't handled...
Any way to specify the subtitle encoding type? I assume it defaults to UTF-8 but if the subtitle has some other enc type then they're not displayed very nicely :( I'm using the gstreamer backend.
> Any way to specify the subtitle encoding type?
Did you try looking in the prefs? It's been there for a year and a half...
The only Encoding I see there is UTF-8... how is the list populated? It could just be a bug of my distro (opensolaris).
> The only Encoding I see there is UTF-8... how is the list populated? It could just be a bug of my distro (opensolaris).
File a bug, this isn't a support forum...
Selecting subtitles is great and a necessity. Video search however sounds like feature creep. Shouldn't search be a separate app? Should every app really have it's own search?
I love it when a plan comes together! :D
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