Tuesday 17 June 2008

Everything sucks

Anyone that says it's just a game is a cunt. Excuse my French.

Link for the uninformed.

PS: I'm so miserable that an Irishman bought me a drink without expecting anything in return, and a Turk gave me back my change for a kebab despite me offering it to him. And the Turk agrees with me on the above.


pbrobinson said...

Damn! I feel for you, as an Aussie I know what its like to have the Italian's beat you :-(

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean...

The Netherlands and Romania should have both passed.

Anonymous said...

Wtf, I'll have to find a real job eventually!

Anonymous said...

I hope you did not think France could still qualify. France was feeling too sorry for itself.

Spain will surely beat Italy.

Anonymous said...

At least the French had the honor to play against our Dutch team! /me runs...

scottishwildcat said...

Serves you right for sneaking into the finals ahead of Scotland, despite the fact we beat you twice in the qualifiers :P

Anonymous said...

I feel with you too.
Italy beat us in the world cup semifinal.
If the German team plays them during this tournament we will take care of them this time.

Anonymous said...

please star it out!

the C word is too much, seriously! I'm not personally adverse to profanity but that one is a step too far.

Unknown said...

At least France qualified...

Anonymous said...

Can you please arrange it so that those who are not interested (not even a bit) in football don't have read posts like this from planets (Planet freedesktop in this case). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please post more profanity and non-Gnome related material on your blog and Planet Gnome as well. Seriously that is all. I hope you are better.

Anonymous said...

@German anonymous:
You don't know how much I hope we will play again together, we can then see who takes care of who :)

Juri said...

It was a real shame about Ribéry, he was the best thing going for France.

Maybe Finland will qualify one of these years to a tournament too. We should try the same trick as Austria.

Anonymous said...

I may be a cunt, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still just a game. Adults who behave so melodramatically about a child's game are emotionally retarded and shouldn't be allowed to drink alcohol, for starters. Unfortunately we're talking about most adult male Europeans here, so you can take solace in the fact that you're not alone in your degenerate condition.

Anonymous said...

Geesh, and people wonder why more women don't participate in open source.