Tuesday 3 April 2007

I'd help, but my engine has problems

I've just finished an (almost) all-nighter to finishing stealing code from Rhythmbox. As soon as the licensing is sorted out, Totem will be getting plugins, so I can start cleaning up the code, and fix some long-standing bugs. This might also mean some cool new features like posters, or TV guides. Let's see what we can do.

First Totem plugin ever


Anonymous said...

Good job you cocksucker.

I expect 10 hours of daily work on totem.

Anonymous said...

"Good job you cocksucker."

What the fuck? I normally don't reply, but ehm, what kind of lame anonymous moran is this?

Just ignore these people's. I guess all the 13 yeard old script kiddies got bored with cracking Vista and are trying out Ubuntu.

Anonymous said...

My initial though, why whould this need to be a plugin? When ever do you want your screen saver activated while watching a movie?

Are plugins becoming a sickness? Is plugins the "solution" (or workaround) to allow lots and lots of configuration options in the gnome UI which wouldn't have been allowed in a single preferences dialog?

Oh well.... nice to see something new in the totem camp anyway! =)

Thanks for working on it!


Anonymous said...

sounds fine, hope that would reduce the number of bug reports a bit...

TheEditor said...

Nice. Could be scoped for a libgtkplugin :-)

Anonymous said...

Rock on!

Rob J. Caskey said...

Hurray for plugins, but I do think that this is so imminently sensible that there doesn't need to be a plug-in. If the video is full screen, screen saver goes off. If the video is not, screen saver stays on. If you want to keep track on $x other things besides your video, its time way start looking towards feature enhancements in libinotify

Anonymous said...

"My initial though, why whould this need to be a plugin? When ever do you want your screen saver activated while watching a movie?"

Same here.

But otherwise, great work. Some things obviously do not belong in totem core but might be nice to have.

Orion said...

Yes like a DVB player.

Good work !

Anonymous said...

Plugins yaaay. Now if the dang thing could play DVD+menus.

(i realize it's gstreamer holding this back)