Saturday 17 May 2008

Thanks kernel people

Whoever is responsible for making the rt73usb driver work great out of the box: THANK YOU. I tried it without success when I installed Fedora 8 gold, and now it works brilliantly (and out-of-the-box) on Fedora 9.

Current hacking includes: GPRS/3G support via Bluetooth in NetworkManager, fprintd hacking, and gnome-lirc-properties integration into Fedora (Debian and Ubuntu people, upstream your bleeding patches, kthx).

And for nanobob and Borkis on FIFA: you really didn't need to quit the game when I scored those 2nd goals. Losing against a guy full of margaritas must hurt.


Ernst Sjöstrand said...

"GPRS/3G support via Bluetooth in NetworkManager"

That's really cool!

Unknown said...

The rt73usb driver is loaded fine but doesn't work for my d-link dwa-110 device :( Which device do you use with this driver?

Bastien Nocera said...

It's a "Belkin Components F5D7050A Wireless Adapter".

Unknown said...

Is there somewhere CVS(etc) where we can follow up 3G/GPRS+BT+NM development?

Bastien Nocera said...

I'm afraid the NM/BT work isn't quite far enough to be useful, and only lives on my machine...

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