Friday 15 January 2010

User accounts dialogue

Over Christmas, Matthias worked on the first pass at the long awaited user accounts tool.

I did my bit and committed this afternoon the new icon selection popup, which allows you to capture and crop a picture from your webcam (through my earlier cheese work). I also committed the ability to save your fingerprints, as was available in gnome-about-me.

Screenshots below. More information on the Fedora Features page.

The new icon selection popup

Fingerprint enrollment

Webcam capture and cropping


Unknown said...

It's Poky the Beaver!

Unknown said...

Wow, this looks super sexy. Well done!

Possible Piper said...

Is fingerprint enrollment getting an overhaul too, because that one looks awful.

Anonymous said...

Ever so cool.

Hopefully, the new tool will resolve my own issue where I use tool after tool to update my user icon, but the face browser upon login still shows the same generic shadow puppetry as always...

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff! Can't wait for this to hit Rawhide.

Dread Knight said...

Awesome job, but the "Change... Change... Change... Change... " column looks fugly :D

mojo said...

the logo button picture doesn't stretch to very edge of the button. but this is a darn good thing, you rocks!

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